Rivers Casino to add games, new ballroom - Pittsburgh Post Gazette


The Rivers Casino has won approval from the state gaming control board to expand its table game offerings and to add ballroom space.

Gaming board members voted unanimously Wednesday to approve a request to install 19 more table games at the North Shore venue: 12 blackjack tables, four poker tables, one rapid roulette table and two traditional roulette


The casino also intends to hire up about 100 new dealers and supervisors to support the additions.

Corey Plummer, the Rivers' vice president of gaming, said the expansion was driven primarily by demand. The casino has been one of the better performers in the state in terms of table game revenue.

"We've experienced a pretty high customer demand since we opened. It's an opportunity to ensure that we have enough seats available for customers on holidays and weekends," he said. He added it also should help to prepare the casino for the busier spring and summer months.

The casino will start moving slot machines to accommodate the expansion next week. The new tables should be in place by the end of February, Mr. Plummer said. The additions will bring the number of table games to 107.

He said the casino also is in the process of expanding its poker tournament schedule.

The $2 million ballroom, meanwhile, is expected to be ready by late summer. The 15,000-square-foot corner space on the second floor, with views of the riverfront and Downtown skyline, will be marketed for formal events, private parties and other large gatherings.

The ballroom originally was planned for a hangar-like space in the middle of the second floor but was moved to take advantage of the views.

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