Concord Casino is round hole with a square peg


Published: 12/23/2022 7:00:39 AM

Modified: 12/23/2022 7:00:06 AM

I am all for charitable gaming when done responsibly. It is a fun and creative way to entertain families, attract tourists, and generate much-needed revenue for local non-profit organizations. With that in mind, I am sharing my concerns about the most recent casino proposal being discussed right here in Concord. To me, the plan doesn’t seem feasible for the proposed location. It would make more sense in an already developed area that can accommodate the traffic this destination expects to attract.

The parcel of land being considered is undeveloped and situated just off Loudon Road and is home to wetlands, which are proposed to have a 43,000-square-foot casino built on them. Also, with traffic already a nightmare on Loudon Road, I hope that officials do their homework on the burden this project could cause for the area. Factoring the size of the buildings, the number of parking spaces needed, and hopefully, safety egresses that could accommodate emergency vehicles such as large fire trucks that need to make their way in and out of the property and also around everything, it just doesn’t seem like a realistic plan for this location.

Bryan Last


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